Anne O’Malley Adventure Series
A woman in mourning.
An unsolved family mystery.
An unexpected adventure. And …
the promise of love.
An archeological dig
of international importance.
A race for survival.
The ultimate challenge
of knowing who to trust.
Available Soon.
Welcome to my website. I’m glad you’ve come to visit a while.
Although I came to it late, writing is now intertwined in much of my life, and writing the Anne O’Malley novels is now my passion. Her adventures have been taking me on quite a ride!
My perspective is that of a certain age. My characters–particularly Anne–reflect that. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, romance, intrigue, suspense, adventure, and love are not the purview of only those under 30 or 40 or even 50. In fact, I like to think that the older we get, the better we get at it all, and the more we savor life. Anne O’Malley is testament to that belief. Hopefully, this website will be an interesting and entertaining space for all of you who agree with me as well as those of you I hope to convince.
But back to writing. Unable to let go of Anne at the end of the first book, I’ve now written six novels (so far) about her. The first two, Quest for the Ivory Caribou and Twenty-Six Eskimo Words are available at, Barnes and Noble (, and Let Me Count the Ways will be available soon.
In Quest for the Ivory Caribou, 60-year-old Anne is depressed by her recent widowhood after a long happy marriage. Her friend Carola convinces her to go to Ottawa, Canada, to continue genealogical research to solve a family mystery on which she and her husband had been working. There, she finds that she’s related, through marriage, to people in Ungavaq, an Inuit village in northern Quebec. She decides to go north to find out what it’s all about. As a result, what she thought was going to be a quiet slide into old age turns out to be something completely different.
Her story–and the mysteries and adventures she encounters–continue in Twenty-Six Eskimo Words, Let Me Count the Ways and in the next three books. Till Death Do Us Part, Checkmate, and Monday’s Child.
Now please sit a spell and explore the site. Read some chapters from the books and get to know Anne. I think you’ll have fun.
Spoiler alert: the early chapters of each book will give away some of the plot of the previous, but I don’t think you’ll mind.
This week’s posts
This Week’s Backstory.
From a Woman’s Perspective.

Caroline’s Trivia Challenge.
This week’s posts
Caroline’s Trivia Challenge.
From a Woman’s Perspective.