Quest for the Ivory Caribou is an amazing, well written, and powerful novel by Caroline McCullagh . . .
A heartwarming story about love, loss, and healing.
The main characters in this story are strong, moral, and compassionate and they deal with the pitfalls life gives them in a healthy constructive way . . . wonderfully enjoyable story!
. . . an interesting mystery as well as human story. The dialog and the relationships between the characters were convincing and well-drawn . . . I believe you will find this to be a more than worthwhile book.
Quest for the Ivory Caribou is definitely the best journey, adventure, and love novel I have read in quite a while.
. . . an extraordinary novel that highlights strong women throughout . . . I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a very human story, and I mean that in the best way.
Natalie Davila, Verified Amazon Purchaser
. . . a story about love, connecting and friendship. The mystery aspect also keeps you on your toes and wanting to read more.
Agnes Musee, Verified Amazon Purchaser
Agnes Musee, Verified Amazon Purchaser
What a sweet story of loss, love, and discovery . . . loved how much cultural anthropology and educational content is interwoven throughout.
Sabrina M., Verified Amazon Purchaser
Quest for the Ivory Caribou is a powerful novel about love and loss…well written, moving and authentic . . .
Lily C., Verified Amazon Purchaser
. . . adventure novel that will make you love reading… a relaxing page turner, perfect for a summer read or sitting by the fireplace when it’s cold and raining outside….
Larissa Wang, Verified Amazon Purchaser
. . . well written , In a way that doesn’t tug at your emotions like other mystery novels do, It eased you into the mystery, the drama, the sensations . . . the storyline makes me want to fall in love.
Joe, Verified Amazon Purchaser
One of the better reads I’ve had in a while . . . I appreciate . . . the novel lampshading . . . that a truer understanding demands a deeper lived experience than the events depicted (or, implicitly) the depiction can convey. Too few novels make the distinction, and it is one that needs to be made.
Geoffrey B. Elliott, Verified Amazon Purchaser
Caroline McCullagh has woven elements of mystery, romance, and cross-cultural adventure into this, the first in a series of novels with Anne O’Malley at their center . . . well written . . . so compelling I couldn’t put it down.
Sandra Yeaman, Verified Amazon Purchaser
A fascinating account of loss, transformation, redemption, and recovery . . . the author demonstrates her extensive knowledge of the Inuit culture and the science and practice of anthropology and archaeology used to study that culture.
WP, Verified Amazon Purchaser
This will appeal to men as well as women. One of the best reads in a long time. Rich in detail with intriguing aspects of life in the far north . . . The power of the book rests in the no-clutter, perfectly worded dialog.
John Robinson
A great read. Very few books do I wish to read more than once but this book is an exception . . . I couldn’t put it down . . . Caroline McCullagh expertly weaves a mystery, love story, history and sociology lessons into a magic carpet of wonder.
Sheila Dobbie
Anne O’Malley is the feisty lady who mixes romance, genealogy, travel, detective work, and cultural exploration.
Virginia Earhart
A page-turner I couldn’t put down. A great read.
M. Lee Buompensiero
The world of the frozen North is displayed in immersive glory, and it’s where this book really shines.
. . .A sheer pleasure to read.
Evelyn Smith
A sensual read . . . Smells, sounds, sights, textures, tastes, and gentle erotica are served in ample supply.
Alice Solovay
Caroline McCullagh’s deft storytelling teaches us much about a culture of which most of us are unaware. You will love this book.
Corwin A. Bell
I haven’t had this much fun reading prose in a while.
Jim Bennett, Poet
Now I know what people mean when they say, “I couldn’t put it down!”
Lynette M. Smith
The author shares her fascination and life-long love of the Inuit with us and we are better for it.
Grace Purpura
A worthwhile read, a well-written book for you to carry to that comfortable chair for an enjoyable few hours.
Kenneth Yaros
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a unique story and entertaining read with great characters . . .
Johnathon R. Cross, Verified Amazon Purchaser
. . . it is refreshing to read a story with believable relationship development that features a strong female character…It definitely draws you in and is a great escape book.
Leey, Verified Amazon Purchaser
. . . This story touches the soul on what it means to overcome life’s unexpected circumstances and cope somehow for a better more vibrant life.
Michael V, Verified Amazon Purchaser
Quest for the Ivory Caribou by Caroline McCullagh is a well-written novel, a good read about love and loss, friendship and romance, and family . . . The story draws and holds the reader’s attention.
Buster T. Flatt, Verified Amazon Purchaser
Terrific Read! Romance, Mystery, and History in One Place! AAA+++! . . . A great addition to the family library, good for readers from young adult on upwards. Highly recommend this delightful book . . .
Jan O. Verified Amazon Purchaser